Cartoon TV-Series for Kids | 2021 | A | 26 x 3 min Script & Director: Josef Pallwein-Prettner
Animation: Nadia Zimov | Leiss Postproduction
Music: Sebastian Wiesflecker, Gerald Hartwagner
Production: SINE LEGE FILM
Thriller | 90 min | In development Script: Josef Pallwein-Prettner Dramaturgy: Constanze Kargl, Oliver Schütte Director: Josef Pallwein-Prettner Production:SINE
LEGE FILM in cooperation with
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Sign of Humanity
The Legacy of Henry Dunant
Documentary | A 2009 | 50 min |TV | DVD Script & Director: Josef Pallwein-Prettner
Co-Production SINE LEGE FILM & ORF
Producer: Josef Pallwein-Prettner, Christoph Hochenbichler
Schrammel Klang
Music documentary | A 2011 | 60 min |Internet | DVD Concept & Director: Josef Pallwein-Prettner
Producer: Josef Pallwein-Prettner, Christoph Hochenbichler
Five Lives
Documentary | 100 min | In development Producer: Kurt Mayer Film, Sine Lege Film
Director: Josef Pallwein-Prettner
Carl-Mayer Förderpreis, Diagonale 2007
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Learn to live with Asthma
TV Mini-Sitcom | A 2007 | 56 min | English, French, Spanish |TV, Internet, DVD Script: Monte Montgomery, Josef Pallwein-Prettner
Director: Josef Pallwein-Prettner
Producer: SL Studios
Energodar – Energy of Life
Documentary | 90 min | In development Script: Martin Leidenfrost
Producer: Christoph Hochenbichler
Nach Europa
Drama | 110 min | In development Script: Josef Pallwein-Prettner, Roberto Vallilengua
Dramaturgy: Constanze Kargl